
To Pillar, To Platform | Luminary Gallery | St.Louis, MO, 2023.

Here//Now | Intersect Arts Center | St.Louis, MO 2023.

Feelings of home: A need to simplify | High Low Gallery | St.Louis, MO 2020.

Wave[s] | Wallplay Gallery | Manhattan, NY, 2015.

These 11 paintings are apart of a series created for Mick Jenkins Wave[s] EP that embody the unique emotions that are channeled through each song. Each piece is a visual soundscape that offers the audience a chance to connect to the music not only sonically but visually.

Anti-Pro Exhibition | New York Studio Residency Program | Brooklyn, NY 2016.

How we come to find and create our identity is something that cannot be pinpointed into one specific influence, but it can be said that from birth we begin to receive information from the world around us that shapes us into who we are and how we see ourselves. These ideas that have been placed upon us are carried around until we decide that they no longer serve us.

This body of work represents those spaces of both stagnation and liberation that exists when one is finding their identity.

Black Women Over Breathing | Urb Arts Gallery | St.Louis, MO, 2017.

We each live in our own matrix. Each reality is a collection of beliefs, patterns and purpose that come to create our being and existence. Always changing and transforming. Fluid.